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Glow Girls Chat ✨

Public·3388 members

Hi ladies! ❤️

My name is Treasure, and I’ve been following Alexis for about a year now. Her message has completely transformed my life in ways I never imagined possible. Recently, I launched and created my dream fitness coaching business (in 1 week), guided purely by my intuition and heart, and I feel so blessed to have inquiries and clients rolling in! I plan to enroll in the Glowprint very soon. Does anybody know if it is beginner friendly? I am a content creator (I also work in marketing full-time) however this is my first business outside of my own brand. A year ago, I couldn't have anticipated any of this, but through inner work and with God’s help, I’ve been making quantum leaps.

If any of you are in or near Houston, Texas, I’d love to connect in person. So happy to be part of this community! 🩷

IG & TT: @thetreasureshow

Frida Valles
Frida Valles
Sep 28, 2024

Hello Treasure ❣️ Welcome to the community it’s lovely to have you here and thank you for your testimony. I have also been following Alexis for a year or two and it’s great to see myself developing as a young lady. Congratulations on launching your first business!! That is great to hear and extremely exciting! My hope for the future is to also be a business owner and I’m following Alexis’ advice on listening to your body and letting your feminine energy drive you towards creating something meaningful and fulfilling.

I haven’t joined any of the courses but if you are called to the Glowprint I say follow your intuition. 💋💋


Welcome to the Glow Girls official group page; a loving, upl...

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