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The Glowprint program

The blueprint for running your dream coaching business

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Your Dream Clients & Community Are Waiting For You

Description & FAQ's Below

Description:  "The Glowprint" is the program that guides you on how to create, successfully run, and grow your coaching business. This program is a blend of both inner work and technical guidance/strategies to activate the empowered version of you that is ready to call in your dream clients and audience

If You...

  • Desire to run your dream business

  • Have a passion that you are excited to share with others (example: feminine energy, inner work, etc.)

  • Are already a coach & want to bring a new level to your identity & business

  • Have limiting beliefs such as "I'm not qualified" or "there's already a coach for this topic I love"

  • Crave to change your career or bring in more financial abundance

This Course Is Especially For You

Sneak Peak At a Few Trainings:​​

  • How to set up, successfully run & grow your coaching business

  • Setting up your business, website & coaching structure

  • How to structure 1:1 coaching calls & feel confident with clients

  • How to create powerful courses & strong social media content

  • Activating the version of you that is confident, magnetic, and calls in her dream clients

  • Connecting to your life force energy & how your sensual energy is your key


  • Inner Work Activations & Trainings

  • Live Trainings to Ask Questions & Receive Coaching

  • Accountability & Support of Other Women

  • Lifetime Access to Course

Price: $1,444 USD

- payment plans available

If you are a current student in any other course, there is a discount code available for you (see course dashboard or Facebook group of course you're in)

Previous Transformations & Testimonials

I just want you to know that I went from freelancing with my business (very casually), booking one client a year, to now booking four clients a month as soon as I decided to do my business full time - you helped me grow my business by 300% since the first D&A session in October 2023 (4 months ago). 


There is nothing that they teach in school and corporate America that could grow your business this much in less than one business quarter.


Thank you ❤️

- K.C.

Alexis you have given me so much on this course in terms of soul work , practical tips, and also from just being in the embodied energy of you. It has literally changed my life , made me more confident, joyful ,and grateful. It ALL started from a tree video where you asked me to journal what I'd do if I had 4x my current income. From there my glass ceiling shattered.I am forever grateful and look forward to learning with you again one day.

- L.G.

Oh My goodness how my life has changed from this course I would have never guessed that it would’ve lead me to so much healing and into following my dream of owning a beautiful, luxurious and vibrant jewelry business to help women look and feel their best on their inner work journeys. I felt so many fears in the beginning(still do) but at the same time I felt so much excitement and opening up this business felt like a full body hell yes. I took small steps everyday and I did not stress myself out opening up this business and everything came together seamlessly and with ease. I did not feel burned out, stressed or overwhelmed at any point thanks to everything I’ve learned in 'master your feminine energy' and in divine and aligned. I am so grateful to all you ladies in this group for the support and inspiration and to Alexis for her encouragement and all her wisdom. I am so happy to be a part of this community

- S.N.

Joining this course has been a tremendous blessing! For some apparent reason, I am able to download several beautiful ideas from God, the universe. I have learned how to relax and attract ideas just by doing what Alexis taught me. Last night, I wrote down a list of ideas for my course lesson. After getting off of work today I was able to record my first course lesson. I am so proud of myself!! The course lesson video is awesome! I truly tapped into my feminine energy and became a polarizing goddess today!! Love you Alexis and all of the awesome women in this class!!!

- Z.L.

Thank you SO much Alexis for creating this course, it has been life changing! Something that I have noticed and been in awe of is your gift of seeing women and holding the space for us to grow and ascend, this is truly something so special. I am deeply grateful for this sisterhood, thank you Alexis and beautiful ladies!

- H.A.


Q: Do I get lifetime access to this course?

A: Yes, once you join the course it is yours forever, including additional bonus trainings are added in the future.

Q: Can I still join this course even if I don't know what type of coach I desire to be?

A: Absolutely! If this course is on your heart, there is something inside that your soul is craving. This course is packed full of deep inner work to allow the empowered coach version of you to come out, and to inspire your most aligned ideas and vision for your coaching business.

Q: Do I have to show up to the live Zoom sessions?
A: Not at all, that is completely up to you. All sessions will be recorded and placed in the dashboard for you to view at your own pace.

Q: What is the difference between "The Glowprint" and "Divine & Aligned?"

A: The "Glowprint" focuses on how to become a woman who feels confident, empowered, and ready to become a coach, and provides in depth trainings & support for setting up a coaching business. Both include inner work around money, confidence, and fueling your business with feminine energy. However, "Divine & Aligned" focuses more connecting you to your soul's mission, and attracting abundance & wealth to your life.

Q: How do the live trainings work?
A: The live trainings will be very similar to the YouTube live streams, however in a more intimate and higher level space with the other divine feminine women in this program. Each session will be a sacred space to train through deep inner work, receive coaching in action, and ask questions.

Q: How do the Affirm "pay over time" options work?
There are 2 options:

Option 1: Make 4 payments total, over the course of 2 months. There is 0% interest on this option

Option 2: Make 1 payment per month (it will be a lower amount at a time than option 1). This option does include interest 

I apologize to those who do not live in the U.S: and can not use Affirm. I am working on finding another pay over time option for you and appreciate your understanding

Q: Are there any time limits on completing the course? And how long will it take to complete?

A: There are zero time limits on this course. You complete it on your own time, depending on your schedule and how quickly you want to learn more.

Q: When will the live trainings be?

A: The live trainings will always be held on either a Saturday or Sunday morning (U.S. time), however the times may vary

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